Here we list events organised or involving members of the Sexual Knowledge unit members.

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Angela Carter and Surrealism – Anna Watz (Linköping University, Sweden)
20th June 2017 @ 15:30
Dr Anna Watz, Senior Lecturer in English Literature at Linköping University (Sweden) will be visiting Exeter, and during her visit will be giving a lecture on her wonderful book Angela Carter and Surrealism: ‘A Feminist Libertarian Aesthetic’ – published by Routledge, 2016.
In 1972, Angela Carter translated Xavière Gauthier’s ground-breaking feminist critique of the surrealist movement, Surréalisme et sexualité (1971). Although the translation was never published, the project at once confirmed and consolidated Carter’s previous interest in surrealism, representation, gender and desire and aided her formulation of a new surrealist-feminist aesthetic. Carter’s sustained engagement with surrealist aesthetics and politics as well as surrealist scholarship aptly demonstrates what is at stake for feminism at the intersection of avant-garde aesthetics and the representation of women and female desire. Drawing on previously unexplored archival material, such as typescripts, journals, and letters, Anna Watz’s study is the first to trace the full extent to which Carter’s writing was influenced by the surrealist movement and its critical heritage. Watz’s book is an important contribution to scholarship onAngela Carter as well as to contemporary feminist debates on surrealism, and will appeal to scholars across the fields of contemporary British fiction, feminism, and literary and visual surrealism.
For more details contact Felicity Gee or Jana Funke (Sexual Knowledge members).