Here we list events organised or involving members of the Sexual Knowledge unit members.

- This event has passed.
Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference, University of Exeter
29th June 2017 - 30th June 2017
FreeAna Tomcic (Sexual Knowledge member) is co-organising the University of Exeter Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference. The programme includes the following that may be of interest to Sexual Knowledge members and others:
-Welcome and keynote by Dr Ina Linge, Associate Research Fellow, Rethinking Sexology project, University of Exeter (and Sexual Knowledge member).
-Reproduction, Family Planning and Embryonic Research: Social and Ethical Perspectives
a) Ahmet Karakaya: “Bioethics through a Religious Lens: Exploring the Religious Discourses on Embryonic Stem Cell Research in Turkey”
b) Katherine Jones: “Men Too: The Family Planning Association, Masculinity and Contraception in Britain 1984-1985”
c) Boglarka Kiss: “Ethical and Legal Questions in Cases of Maternal Brain Death during Pregnancy”
-Rehabilitative Medicine: Masculinity, Citizenship and the Politics of Rehabilitation
a) Chloe Trainor: “From ‘warped and crippled creatures’ to ‘healthy craftsmen and citizens’: Reappraising Holistic Healthcare at Chailey Heritage”
b) Lauren Glanville: “Men Without Faces: Face Painting in World War I”
c) Paul Ketley: “Conflicting Spaces: Masculinity and the Auxiliary Hospital in the Second World War”
-Gender, Sexuality and Censorship: Visibility, State Intervention, Law Reform
a) Katie Snow: “Malevolent Motherhood: Perverse Parenting and the Problem of Female Sexuality in 18th Century Britain” b) Aisling Shalvey: “Eugenics in the Irish Free State 1922-1939”
c) Ross Brooks: “Towards Wolfenden: Biomedical Approaches to Homosexual Law Reform in Britain 1946-1954”
-Lived Experiences of Disability, Chronic Illness and Social Stigma: Social Science Perspectives
a) Salha Al Bloushi: “Omani Mothers’ Experiences of Caring for Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP): An Exploratory Qualitative Study”
b) David Jackson Perry: “None of the Above: Sexuality, Gender and a Thing Called Autism”
c) Jacqueline Stevenson: “Participatory and Creative Methods to Explore Transformations of the Body Associated with HIV, Ageing and Stigma”
-The performance of “Professor Bernhardi” on the first evening of the conference (6pm, Exeter Barnfield Theatre) also deals with the issue of women’s reproductive rights, religion and medical ethics. The performance is free to attend.